Dr Sonja Skocic
Founder and Director / Senior Clinical Psychologist
PhD., MPsych., GradDipPsych., GDMD., BSc.
I started the Centre as a safe space for women and girls to access quality healthcare and support within a feminist framework. In the six years we have been open, we have routinely received positive feedback from clients and the community regarding our vision to empower women and girls in all aspects of life. There has been growth and change over the years as we pivot to adjust to the needs and concerns of our community. I have worked in the mental health field since 1995 in various roles and have seen much change over time in how women's mental health is understood. Our Centre is a part of that change and we continue to promote anti-oppressive practices and feminist principles in every aspect of our work for the benefit and wellbeing of all women and girls, non-binary and gender diverse people.
My responsibilities at the Centre are varied. I conduct the assessments for adults age 19+ years who are seeking clarity regarding ADHD and Autism. I also support clients at the Centre in my role as a psychotherapist and conduct research within our Department of Research and Publishing.
More about me here on
Registered Psychologist - Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, Psychology Board of Australia
Member - Australian Psychological Society (APS)
Fellow - APS College of Clinical Psychologists
Fellow - APS College of Counselling Psychologists
Affiliate - APS College of Sport and Exercise Psychologists
Member - UN Women National Committee Australia
Member - International Association for Women's Mental Health
Member - Women’s Health Victoria
Committee of Management - Human Research Ethics Committee (Dept. Psychiatry University of Melbourne & Healthscope)
Member - Australian and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE)