Research and Publications

Examining the issues that effect women's mental health through a Feminist lens.

The Centre’s Research and Publications Department is growing. We started with info-sheets and book reviews and expanded by holding our first forum featuring prominent Melbourne feminists including psychotherapists and presentations from the perspective of women with a lived experience. We are also involved in mental health research relating to women and girls.
We strive to produce high-quality, accessible and thought provoking content delivered across multiple platforms and access points.
We aim to:
  • Promote conversations and collaboration between professionals and people with lived experience
  • Promote authentic conversations about feminism and mental health that address anti-oppressive practice and socio-cultural factors
  • Continue partnering with other agencies such as Monash University, Science to empower the next generation of researchers and contribute to meaningful breakthroughs
  • Continue to work with writers that have a Lived Experience to join our Research and Publications team

Our Research Hubs

Eating Disorders and Body Image

Feminist Issues in Mental Health


Women in Sport

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